Ongoing Classes & Groups
Weekly Bible Study
Wednesday 7:30 PM
Via Zoom @
GriefShare Support Group
Via Zoom TBD
Redemption Class
Contact: Pastor Trina
The Redemption Series is modeled after the teachings of Pastor LaDonna Osborne of Osborne Ministries in Tulsa, OK.
The series’ rotate during the year and can be attended from anywhere in the world.

Redemption 1 – The Foundation
This teaching on redemption grounds believers in the fundamental principles and truths of God’s plan for their lives.

Redemption 2 – The Lifestyle
This teaching on redemption helps believers to understand the amenities of our redemption package. Students who complete this course will have a better understanding of their new nature in Christ and the power of partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Redemption 3 – The Dynamics
The Dynamics of Redemption helps students to apply the concepts and truths of redemption through their thoughts and actions.
Finance Class
Additional information coming soon.
Organizing Your Spiritual Life
Additional information coming soon.
SWAG – Spiritually Walking Along with God (Men’s Ministry)
Contact: Pastor Kevin
ATTENTION MEN!!! Have you lost your SWAG; do you want a newer, fresher SWAG; come out and join the Men’s Ministry; we will show you how God wants you to get your SWAG on….all of your family and friends will be in awe of your SWAG. Come join MIT Jerome Still along with our Pastor Kevin… and get your SWAG back.
SWAG (Spiritually Walking Along with God) is Ambassadors Christian Church’s Men’s Ministry. Our guiding scripture (Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend) is fundamental to our ministry. We believe that we have the responsibility to strengthen and build one another up as we walk along with God.
Youth Ministry
Our Mission is to develop young Christians to take their place as ministers of the Kingdom, ambassadors of the Word, leaders in the church, and members in the community of believers.
We are guided by 1 Timothy 4:12 Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use. (The Message Bible)